
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday at First Cong

The pastor is speaking on Love. I was 20 minutes late. Hate being late.

Poppa, I am ere. Here in body anyway. Help me to be here in Spirit and in my heart. Help me to be present to my fears. Open my heart and help me to be here for You. Please?!?!

Friday, April 17, 2009

My Place In This World...

[song on the iPod is Michael W Smith's "A Place In This World"]

Sometimes I feel like I am 16, trying to see my path, my journey, my place in this world. I feel like I have come to a place where I have opened that last closet to the Lord. I can see him nodding and smiling at me. and I can hear him saying, "Now we can get to work." Like it was part of the Plan; that I had to come to this place on the path to be ready to do the work with Jesus that he will enjoy doing with me.

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