
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Movin' on and movin' out

My wife asked me to leave a couple weeks ago. I house-sat for a friend [crashed is more like it] for a week and then found my own apartment. I’ve been moving in little bit by little bit. I go to the house and I try to pack things up and it seems the energy is sucked right out of me and I only get a little bit done. It will get better. Probably next week, I’ll get my major pieces of furniture moved over and I can start relaxing in my apartment. I can’t quite call it “My new home.”

We went to a lawyer today to see about a mediated divorce. We have most everything split up so that we both feel it’s fair. The lawyer seemed to be competent and had empathy for us. We’ll go with her. We have a boat load of paperwork to fill out. We plan to get a little done tomorrow morning and sent back to her and the rest we hope to tackle this weekend. I told my wife that, for me, it is like having a bad tooth and knowing I have to pull it out wth no novocaine myself. It hurts something awful and I don’t wanna do it but it needs to be done.

I feel so tempted to get a bottle of wine and getting drunk!

I went to see Dr. Finn today. It was supposed to be a diabetes followup, but I’ve been having issues with being short of breath and chronic swelling and low-level pain in my right leg. I figured the sweeling was from my diabetes being out of control. She told me my arteries seemed to be doin’ fine;she could feel a strong pulse in my foot. She thinks there might be a clot in a vein. I’m getting an ultra sound done today at 3:30p. If it is a clot, then it is most likely due to the estrogen and I will have to quit taking estrogen altogether. I can live with that.

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