
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Drinking milk after the "Use By" date

Today, My wife and I met at the insurance agents office to change the insurance on the house and the car policies. Part of the separation and divorce actions. She came from work and I came from the apartment. She was looking really good. She always does. Though she didn’t have a smile for me. I always hope she will but it’s getting more and more rare. When she smiles she lights up the room and I know everything is gonna be alright. I told her it looked like she’d lost some weight and she has. We talked about little stuff, she had my mail in the car and did the dentist get hold of me about my appointment? There was a lull in the conversation and I turned to look at something. When I turned back... she was just turning away and I am sure she didn’t see me turn back. She’d been looking at me and he had a look on her face and a little shake to her head like she had just finished drinking a glass of milk that was past it’s “Use by:” date. That was very painful to see. I know she sees me now and probably forever as the Man she spent 29 years with. It would be nice if she could lie to me once in a while and politely say, “You look nice.”

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