
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Church Shopping

Today is Sunday, the 18th of March.  Today I have started my search for a new church near where I live now in issaquah.  Looking on the Internet, there was only one church that is reconciling or affirming or in some way upfront about welcoming some one like me, transsexual and a lesbian. I will try the United Church of Christ sometime in the future. Today I am at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church. I think it is an ELCA church, but it doesn't claim to be Recociled In Christ. I was very scared to drive up to the church. The Pastor's sermon today seems to be "All Are Welcome.". As I typed this, he, the pastor, or Poppa, through him, welcomed Gay and Lesbian believers... I have quietly been in tears and as choked up as I can be for the last few moments. I do not Know if this place is home but, maybe, maybe, it can be.  
The church celebrated Communion on this, the 4th Sunday of Lent. I passed on taking Communion.  I did not feel prepared or "right" for Communion; though where my emotional place was, it probably would have been a good thing to share the Blood and Body of the One Who Loves Me.  But my LCMS upbringing treats the Table as a very Sacred place and I did not feel right approaching the Table of my Lord.  I Believe!  This is a very serious thing to me!  My Faith and the way I relate to Poppa, and to my Brother, the One Who Loves Me, and to my Comforter, is my faith and it is woven into my life! and cannot ignore it!  Nor do I want to.  I want, I need to be a whole woman.
After the service, I thanked the pastor for his sermon and the welcome he extended in his sermon. I explained how I spent the morning looking for Reconciled in Christ or welcoming and affirming churches without any success. I took a chance on Shepherd of the Hills.  He understood and introduced me to the head usher who took me back to the Coffee Hour.  I was introduced around to several people who all were very welcoming. I ended up spending a half hour, forty minutes just chatting with people.  Mostly women of the church but that felt extremely comfortable.


  1. So glad you had a good experience Mom

    1. Sweetheart, no one knows like you do just how much this means to me. The biggest change in my life since I came out is no longer running from Poppa scared to death of him, but running to His Loving Arms.

  2. So, so glad it was a good first visit! I hope that it continues to be a place where you can grow. I'm going to pray for you- and pray that this place can become your faith home and that you find a church family there.

  3. It might not have the words posted on any bulletins or signs or even on it's web page, but the people say more than any sign could every say. Just listen to their nonverbal discussions.



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